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Vegetarian Collagen Peptides

Proteins & Blends | In stock | lb
x $39.99 = $39.99

This product is carefully crafted to provide comprehensive support for overall well-being. The formula combines a range of potent ingredients, each selected for its proven benefits in promoting hair, skin, joint, and gut health.

One of the star ingredients in the formulation is the clinically studied NEM® Eggshell Membrane Collagen, sourced from a domestic, upcycled, and sustainable source. This remarkable collagen is known for its properties in supporting the health and vitality of hair, skin, and joints. With its clinically studied effectiveness, you can trust that the body will receive the nourishment it needs for optimal health.

The formula also includes Bacillus coagulans, a clinically studied Soil Based Organism (SBO) probiotic strain, specifically chosen to promote healthy digestion and support thriving gut flora. With the power of this probiotic strain, the digestive system can maintain its balance, aiding in nutrient absorption and overall digestive comfort.

Furthermore, the formula is enriched with Inulin, a soluble dietary fiber sourced from chicory root. This exceptional ingredient not only supports normal glucose metabolism but also contributes to a healthy environment for gut bacteria to flourish. By nourishing the gut with this beneficial dietary fiber, individuals can experience improved digestive health and enhanced overall well-being.

Ingredients: Prebiotic, Probiotic Blend (Inulin, Partially Hydrolyzed Eggshell Membrane Collagen (NEM®), Bacillu scoagulans (2 Bilion CFUU‡), Natural Flavor, stevia leaf extract. Contains Egg.

Manufacturer Country: USA

Product Amount: 0.63lb (286g)

Bruto Weight: 0.79lb (358g)

Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, adults mix one (1) scoop in 8-10 oz. of your favorite beverage. Product is sold by weight, not volume.

Settling may occur. Store in a cool, dry place and away from direct light.

Warning: Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if the safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place.

The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Gluten-free Vegetarian Non-GMO

Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body, making up around 30% of your total protein mass. As a structural protein, collagen plays a crucial role in the health and function of various tissues, including your skin, muscles, bones, and connective tissues.

While your body makes plenty of collagen on its own, emerging research shows that supplementing with collagen may promote various health benefits. But is there a way for plant-based eaters to get the benefits of collagen supplementation without changing their diet?

The research says yes. 

This article will explore:

  • The research-backed benefits of collagen supplementation
  • The connection between collagen and bone health
  • How vegans and vegetarians can naturally boost their collagen production without taking any animal-based products

Health Benefits of Collagen

Skin Health

If you’re looking for a way to firm up your skin and enhance its elasticity, collagen may be the way to go. 

Collagen makes up a significant portion of your skin’s extracellular matrix (ECM) – the scaffolding that lies beneath your skin surface, which allows it to look taut and firm.

As you age, your ECM naturally begins to break down, producing fine lines and wrinkles on the surface of your skin. Research shows, however, that when you supplement with collagen, you can enhance the integrity of your ECM and therefore create more youthful-looking skin.

Other research shows that collagen may play a role in wound healing.

Joint Health

As a key component of connective tissue, collagen plays an important role in the health and maintenance of your joints. Specifically, collagen supports your cartilage tissue, which wraps around the ends of your bones to protect them and prevent wear and tear. 

Cartilage can break down due to excessive use (in athletes, for example), inflammation (like that seen in rheumatoid arthritis), or the natural aging process. When this happens, you start to experience joint pain that can range anywhere from inconvenient to debilitating – depending on the severity of the damage.

Research shows that collagen supplementation may support joint health by providing the building blocks they need to support and protect them from damage. 

In one study, participants with rheumatoid arthritis experienced significant improvement in both joint swelling and pain. In another study, athletes with activity-related joint pain significantly improved their pain measures at rest and during activity. 

Digestive Support

Although the exact mechanism is unclear, there seems to be a correlation between low serum levels of collagen and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). One theory is that a deficiency in this structural protein makes your digestive tract more vulnerable to inflammation and therefore sets the stage for digestive issues.

In one study, participants noticed improvements in bloating and other mild digestive symptoms after a 6-week trial of collagen supplementation.

Bone Health

We’ve already covered the positive impact collagen can have on joint health, which indirectly relates to the health of your bones. But that’s not the only connection between bone health and collagen status. 

Your bones are made up of protein and minerals, with 90% of the bone matrix composed of collagen. While minerals provide strength, collagen provides structure and flexibility. Collagen is a vital aspect of bone health because it allows your bones to absorb impact rather than fracture, and to bend instead of break. 

Studies show that taking collagen supplements can improve bone mineral density (BMD) in postmenopausal women.

This product is carefully crafted to provide comprehensive support for overall well-being. The formula combines a range of potent ingredients, each selected for its proven benefits in promoting hair, skin, joint, and gut health.

One of the star ingredients in the formulation is the clinically studied NEM® Eggshell Membrane Collagen, sourced from a domestic, upcycled, and sustainable source. This remarkable collagen is known for its properties in supporting the health and vitality of hair, skin, and joints. With its clinically studied effectiveness, you can trust that the body will receive the nourishment it needs for optimal health.

The formula also includes Bacillus coagulans, a clinically studied Soil Based Organism (SBO) probiotic strain, specifically chosen to promote healthy digestion and support thriving gut flora. With the power of this probiotic strain, the digestive system can maintain its balance, aiding in nutrient absorption and overall digestive comfort.

Furthermore, the formula is enriched with Inulin, a soluble dietary fiber sourced from chicory root. This exceptional ingredient not only supports normal glucose metabolism but also contributes to a healthy environment for gut bacteria to flourish. By nourishing the gut with this beneficial dietary fiber, individuals can experience improved digestive health and enhanced overall well-being.

Ingredients: Prebiotic, Probiotic Blend (Inulin, Partially Hydrolyzed Eggshell Membrane Collagen (NEM®), Bacillu scoagulans (2 Bilion CFUU‡), Natural Flavor, stevia leaf extract. Contains Egg.

Manufacturer Country: USA

Product Amount: 0.63lb (286g)

Bruto Weight: 0.79lb (358g)

Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, adults mix one (1) scoop in 8-10 oz. of your favorite beverage. Product is sold by weight, not volume.

Settling may occur. Store in a cool, dry place and away from direct light.

Warning: Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if the safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place.

The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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